
Ad Fraud Report 2024: January-June
The first half of 2024 has revealed a concerning trend in online advertising: ad fraud continues to be a significant problem. Despite the…
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Case-study: FraudScore for MYBOX’s CPI and CPA campaigns
Advertisers are well known to work with traffic sources and partners directly, and develop their own rules for working with them. The main goal is to get good (clean) traffic that meets the…
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Case Study: FraudScore and Magnit Working on High-Quality Traffic
FraudScore is known for its work with direct advertisers. In a world where online ads are estimated to be worth around $800 billion in 2022, and global ad fraud is expected to reach $100 billion in…
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2022 Ad Fraud Report by FraudScore
The FraudScore team is proud to present our yearly report on the global advertising market and the impact fraudulent traffic has on the…
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FraudScore: evaluations by advertisers, ad networks & agencies
What better way to learn about a software than to ask its users? We’ve gathered a list of the most valued features and qualities of FraudScore’s antifraud solution mentioned by our clients: Traffic…
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What Is Ad Fraud And How Does It Work
Let’s start with one simple statement — ad fraud is here, and it’s here to stay. Protection is a must, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities for marketers to operate online ads without a fraud…
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Ad Fraud Report 2022: January-June
As it goes without saying — fraudsters are here, they are real, and their actions cause a lot of damage to ad campaigns. Recently, international reports say that users spend less time on their mobile…
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Fraudsters can be flexible, and they target vulnerable users
FraudScore’s CEO Dmitry Isakov sat with CyberNews team and discussed the topic of ad fraud. We are sharing the full version of the interview. And don’t forget — if you have questions, contact…
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Ad Fraud In The First Six Months of 2021
New FraudScore’s report is here, and it covers the first half of 2021. After the global events of 2020 the whole world is slowly getting back on track, and so do the fraudsters. So FraudScore’s…
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How FraudScore’s Event And Conversions Report Help Ad Fraud Detection
We’ve gathered a couple of interesting cases from FraudScore clients about the Event Report and its efficiency in campaign analysis. Let’s start with a reminder that FraudScore uses a four-risk level…
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New Features of Event and Conversion Reports
There is an exciting, useful, and long-asked-for update to the FraudScore platform, and we want to tell you more about it! If you’ve been using FraudScore’s event report (post install event report…
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Dealing with Ad Fraud in Crypto, Dating, and Gambling
Dating, gambling and crypto are challenging verticals to deal with when it comes to CPA networks. For that reason, we are very glad that C3PA — one of FraudScore’s long-term partners and clients —…
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Advertiser Case: How to Detect Ad Fraud in Two Hours
One of the greatest things about FraudScore is that we are able to share our clients’ unique experiences and cases. Simply, our clients face ad fraud every day, and their stories indicate just how…
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Useful Features of FraudScore
FraudScore is recognized as a feature-rich antifraud solution. With 150+ fraud patterns analysed for each conversion in FS.Action, and SafeClick fraudulent click filtering and redirecting, there are…
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How to Increase Traffic Quality in CPL Campaigns: FraudScore for Actionpay Brazil CPA Network
Actionpay Brazil is a branch of Actionpay CPA Network. The company is known within the market as one of the most results-oriented ad networks. The Brazilian office was established in 2013, after…
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The Price of Ad Fraud: True Costs and Collateral Damage
The FraudScore team has been working with ad agencies, platforms, developers, and advertisers for more than five years, and we’ve decided that it’s time to share our insights about both the obvious…
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Ad Fraud In 2020
2020 has proven that predictions and forecasts in online advertising can be easy altered by global events. While at the beginning of 2020 analytics predicted the market growth of least 25%, in summer…
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FraudScore integration with Offer18
FraudScore wants to announce a new partner integration — Offer18!
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FraudScore 5th birthday! Quotes and congrats from clients, partners and team members
In November, 2020 FraudScore turns 5! It’s an important date for us and we want to, first, congratulate and salute our wonderful team — developers, analytics, account managers, support expert, sales…
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Invite guest users to your FraudScore reports
Each marketer has worked on a case with a partner when ad fraud is detected [in the traffic] and both the marketer and the partner need to understand the details of the issue. And also try not to…
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Protect your ad budgets from ad fraud: review of FraudScore antifraud solution by Technoven
Reputation and traffic quality are crucial in online advertising and affiliate marketing. Brands, developers, ad networks, affiliate agencies and others involved strive to build long-lasting…
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iOS 14: the “death of IDFA” and the effect for ad fraud detection
It’s already a well-known fact — iOS 14 is coming and it’s bringing many changes to the online advertising industry. And in spite of the fact that on September,3 Apple announced that they will…
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Ad fraud in online advertising in the first six months of 2020
2020 has already shaken up the world. For instance, market forecasts at the end of 2019 said that global online ads market might grow in 2020 at least by 25%. By 2022 advertisers were predicted to…
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New real-time fraud prevention tool from FraudScore saves your clicks
Click fraud is one of the most common and widespread fraud types in the world of digital advertising. During the last five years, click fraud was one of the top three most talked about types of…
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Online Advertising Fraud report for January-April 2020
Fraudulent traffic in online ad campaigns is a well-known and recognized issue that the majority of marketers have been facing for a long time. Due to the global situation and isolation measures that…
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Ad fraud in 2019 - global ad fraud statistics by FraudScore
FraudScore - an independent antifraud solution - shares its statistics, reviews and data about global situation in ad fraud in digital advertising in 2019.
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In-house V.S. SaaS: Should You Build Your Own Affiliate Fraud Prevention Tool?
FraudScore Partner post by Affise — a performance marketing platform helping advertisers all around the globe to manage, track, analyse and optimize online advertising campaigns in real-time. One of…
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New for FraudScore.Action and SafeClick
FraudScore’s team constantly works on improving and updating our traffic quality reports. We communicate with our clients, listen to their needs, and come up with ideas about the possible needed…
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FraudScore CEO and COO interview: success story, advice and personal experience in ad fraud fight
FraudScore co-founders have given an interview to a famous Spanish media — El Referente. The interview is in Spanish. Here you can find an English version: Dmitry Isakov, CEO, Co-Founder: Dmitry has…
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Direct Advertiser: 90%+ of ad fraud in CPA campaign on Android
FraudScore is always eager to spread knowledge about ad fraud, and how cunning fraudsters can be. This article is about another case from a real FraudScore’s client, and his case about the importance…
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Ad Fraud Report: global statistics from FraudScore
The first half of 2019 has already passed and FraudScore is ready to share some data about the first six months of the year. In this report FraudScore shares ad fraud statistics in terms of GEO…

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How to Choose an Antifraud Tool
Let’s start with some statistics: according to international forecasts, global ad fraud might cost advertisers at least $150 billion by 2025. Ad fraud is here, it’s real, and it’s a part of the…
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Ad Fraud in 2021 vs 2020
FraudScore presents a new ad fraud report for the statistics and data for 2021. After the drastic events of 2020, 2021 looked promising. FraudScore’s report gives more details and insights into: 2021…
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Case study: FraudScore for Affmy
FraudScore solution has been one of the first antifraud tools to appear on the market. For more than three years FraudScore has been known as a leading provider of reliable and transparent…

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Fraud Prevention: Options, Pros & Cons
“Recently we at FraudScore have noticed that a lot of clients are asking more and more questions about fraud prevention considering that to “prevent” means to stop ad fraud before a conversion or an…

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FraudScore for Yabbi.DSP — high efficiency fraud detection for a campaign with “Stockman”
In April 2019 media agency “Total View” has turned to Yabbi, a DSP provider and one of FraudScore customers, with an in-app campaign request for Stockmann (Russia). The task was to bring the target…
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New Feature in FraudScore report — “Extended fraud reasons’’
FraudScore is a well-known independent ad fraud solution that provides a reliable shield against ad fraud and is suitable for all niches of the digital advertising ecosystem. FraudScore tech team is…

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Case Study: FraudScore for Game Developer. How to save 25% of traffic budgets
101XP: “Fraud detection helps both us and our partners. We are able to set high traffic requirements and get the best from our partnerships“ FraudScore interviews Ksenia Koroleva, Chief Marketing…
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Ad Fraud in 2021: TrafficCardinal & FraudScore research
The FraudScore team has joined TrafficCardinal experts to share some insights about ad fraud, and how the situation at the global online advertising market is unraveling closer to the end of 2021…
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How and Why: Fight Ad Fraud in Digital Advertising
In April 2019 FraudScore and have launched a new feature to RedTrack platform — The Fraud Report. From now on, RedTrack customers are able to get a complete overview of the traffic they…

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Top fraud detection platform insights: Ad Fraud in 2019
We’ve asked FraudScore’s CPO - Roman Safonov - a couple of questions on how 2019 is already shaping the ad fraud scene, what are the forecasts for the upcoming future and what challenges does FraudScore expect to see
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High index fraud traffic reduced from 26% to 2.4% in four months: Zorka.Mobi case-study by FraudScore
This case study is devoted to the partnership between Zorka.Mobi and FraudScore in their mutual efforts to fight ad fraud
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2018 for FraudScore: perspectives, results and new directions
As we are all already in the new year, FraudScore decided to share our story for 2018 and provide a picture of what changes and trends have been present in the e-marketing industry, and particularly when it comes to fighting fraud
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The basics: types of fraud
that start it all
Fighting fraud requires understanding and recognizing various types of fraud. This particular article is designed to give a quick overview of the types of fraud that are most common in the industry.
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The Russian Mobile Ad Ecosystem Map
On October, 24 IAB Russia issued an updated version of The Russian Mobile Ad Ecosystem Map. The purpose of the project is to provide the overview of the current state of the mobile ad market in Russia.

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Is there a cure for fraud?
Believe it or not, but we, as fraud fighters, are always glad to hear when market leaders announce new measures to stop (rather than to detect) efforts of stealing your ad budget.

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What’s fresh? Our interface gets a brand new update
We’ve been continuously trying to be as transparent and intelligible as possible in our fraud investigation. Come and see what we’ve just introduced to both FraudScore.PreBid and FraudScore.Action products.
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Mobile Ad Pricing - what’s the best model?
In this article FraudScore asked Peter Plachta, CEO at ToroGrowth, to share his tips on the best Ad pricing models for mobile apps

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FraudScore - the results of the 2017
2017 was an eventful year for FraudScore. Our team attended 24 conferences in 8 countries where we met really great and talented people and companies and we’re very pleased that some of them became our clients

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FraudScore talks about AWasia 2017
FraudScore BDO Zarina Shirinkina recently went to the Affiliate World Asia Conference and shared her thoughts about the event and told Victoria Petrova why Bangkok is such a miracle.

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FraudScore integrated with AppMetrica
“Integration with AppMetrica, a very popular solution for attributing installs and analyzing user behavior among mobile developers in RuNet, is a big step forward for us.“

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FraudScore talks about #MMS17
This November FraudScore team went to the Madrid Mobile Summit. It was the first conference where we had a chance to tell the target audience about our product
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India affiliate summit
Victoria Petrova interviewed FraudScore BDO Zarina Shirinkina about her business trip to India affiliate summit and figured out why it’s not a bullshit.

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Brisk Ads - FraudScore Partnership
Brisk Ads, in its quest to effectively combat the menace of mobile ad fraud, is teaming up with FraudScore, who are industry leaders in the field of automated fraud detection. Both companies have displayed, through this collaboration, a willingness to...
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How to customize alerts in FraudScore
If you tweak a few settings you can customize notifications and stay focused on what’s really important for you in the moment and stop thinking about fraud activity all the time. We’ve made a guide to help you to figure out with all notification settings...
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  • Recomiendo usar FraudScore. Esta solución antifraude nos ayuda a evitar riesgos innecesarios y a eliminar el fraude desde el principio. ¡Bien hecho chicos!
    Olga Saburova, Gerente de Cuents, MobioNetwork
  • Hay muchos manuales sobre cómo ganar dinero a través de internet. La mayoría de ellos te cuentan cómo hacer instalaciones de móvil fraudulentas. Tan pronto como aparece un nuevo ""manual"", vemos picos de tráfico de baja calidad. Pero según comenzamos a usar el servicio de FraudScore, eliminamos a los gerentes que estaban trabajando en verificar la calidad del tráfico. Usando su informe con un conjunto de filtros, podemos generar diferentes tipos de dosieres que nos muestran la calidad del tráfico en diferentes contextos. Esto nos ha ayudado mucho a encontrar muchos estafadores y afiliados de mala calidad.
    Nickolay, Director general,
  • CPA Affiliates Network ha estado utilizando Fraudscore como nuestro principal sistema de análisis y monitoreo de fraude durante los últimos años. Como red de CPA con muchas ofertas de clientes potenciales, es de mucha importancia para nosotros que podamos identificar rápida y fácilmente el tráfico sospechoso y eliminar afiliados específicos según sea necesario para reducir los incidentes de fraude y mejorar la calidad general de los clientes potenciales para nuestros socios publicitarios. La interfaz de FraudScore es fácil de usar y ofrece múltiples opciones de análisis granular que nos permiten detectar y eliminar fácilmente el tráfico de fraude probable. Recomendamos FraudScore como una solución viable para la red y los anunciantes que deseen ver un análisis de conversión en tiempo real para ayudar a impulsar un tráfico de mejor calidad.
    Darren Williamson, Director gerente, CAN
  • FraudScore tiene APIs rápidas y fáciles de manejar. Esto nos ha permitido integrar el análisis de fraude en nuestros propios paneles de control. Su propia interfaz es muy intuitiva y ofrece infinitas posibilidades en términos de filtrado y búsqueda de datos. El equipo de FraudSsore es muy receptivo a los comentarios de sus usuarios e introduce continuamente mejoras en su producto.
    Luis Barrague, Director de operaciones, Headway Digital
  • Durante más de dos años de trabajo con tráfico móvil, hemos probado muchos de los servicios antifraude que el mercado ofrece. Por tanto, podemos decir con confianza que la solución que realmente merece la pena es FraudScore. Tecnología sólida, interfaz conveniente y el soporte más eficiente: ¡todo eso y más es FraudScore! Desde que comenzamos a colaborar con ellos, el volumen de tráfico de Zorka Network se ha reducido prácticamente a cero.
    Oleg Gorelik, Director de afiliados, Zorka.Network
  • Fraudscore ha sido nuestra primera línea de defensa contra el tráfico cuestionable. A medida que el panorama de la publicidad digital móvil se expande continuamente, se vuelve complejo en lo que se refiere a la medición de la atribución del usuario. La necesidad de datos precisos nunca ha sido más importante para el éxito de nuestro negocio y los esfuerzos de marketing de nuestros clientes. Los ingenieros de FraudScore hicieron que la integración fuera perfecta y fácil de usar. La interfaz de usuario nos permite interpretar los datos correctamente y en tiempo real para tomar las decisiones correctas en lo que se refiere a proteger la integridad de la marca de nuestros clientes. Recomiendo ampliamente sus servicios.
    Moufid Al-Joundi, Curate Mobile
  • En Brisk Ads tomamos medidas drásticas para combatir el fraude y, con la ayuda de FraudScore, podemos detectar y eliminar cualquier tráfico sospechoso. Con los informes detallados proporcionados, podemos identificar cualquier fuente cuestionable; asegurándonos de que nuestros clientes solo paguen por usuarios legítimos y rentables.
    Omar Mostafa, Brisk Ads

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